
Some scripts for gsuite service automation

View the Project on GitHub kyhau/gsuite-utils


Build Status codecov

This repo contains simple scripts using

  1. Google Apps Admin SDK (Reports API) to retreive last N google drive activities
  2. Google Calendar API to retrieve my next N calendar events (accepted invitations)
  3. Google Groups and GroupsSettings

Please see Google Apps Admin SDK - Reports API or Google Calendar API for the steps about

  1. enabling API access
  2. create OAuth client ID and credential (client_secret.json)

Locally Installing / Testing

Copy client_secret.json to gsuite_utils/


virtualenv env
. env/bin/activate
pip install -e .

python gsuite_utils/
python gsuite_utils/

# for running pytest
pip install -r requirements-build.txt

# for full testing with tox and building wheel
tox -r


virtualenv env
pip install -e .

python gsuite_utils\
python gsuite_utils\

# for running pytest
pip install -r requirements-build.txt

# for full testing with tox and building wheel
tox -r